- S1 : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada (2000)
- S3 : Kobe University
Anatomi, Renal, Cardiovascular
- Role of LRRC15 in the carotid artery ligation; exploration of LRRC15 protein.
- Endothelial Cell Changing in Atherosclerosis; Possible Role of ET-1 from Endothelial Cell
- ET-1 from Endothelial Cell Exaggerates Kidney Fibrosis through ETAR Activation
- ET-1 deletion from endothelial cells protects the kidney during the extension phase of ischemic reperfusion injury
- Heparanase expression as a marker in Acute Kidney Injury induced by ischemic/reperfusion (I/R) injury in Mice
- Pembuatan manekin pemeriksaan prostat yang dilengkapi dengan sensor tekanan pada keadaan normal dan ab-normal
- Ekspresi Heparanase berkorelasi dengan remodeling interstisial dan cedera tubulus pada model fibrosis ginjal di mencit
- Peranan Asam Urat terhadap Fibrosis, Disfungsi Endothelial dan Remodeling Vaskuler di Ginjal, Otak dan Jantung pada Hewan Coba serta Progresi Gagal Ginjal pada Pasien; Eksplorasi Kontribusi Endothelin-1, Ekspansi Sel Interstisial dan Status Oksidatif
- Peran Vitamin D dalam mencegah fibrosis ginjal pada mencit jantan dengan unilateral ureteral Obstruction (UUO);
- Global Ischemic Brain Injury Menginduksi Gangguan Fungsi Memori pada Tikus Wistar (Kajian interaksi Heparanase, Enzim antioksidan, TLR2 dan vascular remodeling)
- Aspek Molekuler, Seluler dan fungsional resolusi fibrosis ginjal pada unilateral ureteral obstruction dan Hiperuricemia: Kajian Fibroblast to myofibroblast Transition, Endothelin dan Remodeling Matriks Ekstraseleluer.
- Peranan Clorogenic Acid dari Ekstrak Kopi Sebagai Protective Agent pada Keadaan Cedera Iskemik-Reperfusi dan Gagal Organ pada Ginjal, Otak dan Hati: Eksplorasi Mediator Inflamasi, Cedera Oksidatif & Nitrosatif dan Kelainan Vaskular
- Efek Renoprotektif Centella asiatica pada Model Cedera Iskemik/Reperfusi Ginjal, Gagal Ginjal Kronis dan Fibrosis Ginjal : Kajian Fibroblast to Myofibroblast Transition, ekspresi Mediator Inflamasi dan Matrix Metallo Proteinase
- Pengaruh media terkondisi sel punca mesenkim pada kasus gagal ginjal akut ( Uji pada hewan coba mencit galur Swiss)
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Publikasi | Tahun | Jurnal | Penulis |
Upregulation of endothelin-1/endothelin a receptor expression correlates with heparanase expression in ovarian carcinoma | 2018 | Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. 43(3):286-295 | Anggorowati N, Ghozali A, Widodo I, Romi MM, Arfian N |
Endothelial-derived endothelin-1 promotes pulmonary vascular remodeling in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis | 2018 | Physiological Research. 67(Supplementum 1):S185-S197 | Hartopo AB, Arfian N, Nakayama K, Suzuki Y, Yagi K, Emoto N |
Vitamin D upregulates endothelin-1, ETBR, eNOS mRNA expression and attenuates vascular remodelling and ischemia in kidney fibrosis model in mice | 2018 | Physiological Research. 67(Supplementum 1):S137-S147 | Arfian N, Kusuma MH, Anggorowati N, Nugroho DB, Jeffilano A, Suzuki Y, Ikeda K, Emoto N |
Hyperuricemia Induces Wnt5a/Ror2 Gene Expression, Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, and Kidney Tubular Injury in Mice | 2018 | Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. 43(2):164-173 | Setyaningsih WAW, Arfian N, Suryadi E, Romi MM, Tranggono U, Sari DCR |
Antimigration Activity of an Ethylacetate Fraction of Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. Fruits in 4T1 Breast Cancer Cells | 2018 | Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 19(2):565-569 | Harahap U, Hasibuan PAZ, Sitorus P, Arfian N, Satria D |
Molecular Subtypes, Apoptosis and Proliferation Status in Indonesian Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Cases | 2018 | Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2018 Jan 27;19(1):185-191 | Snak Y, Indrawati, Widayati K, Arfian N, Anggorowati N |
Uric acid causes kidney injury through inducing fibroblast expansion, Endothelin-1 expression, and inflammation | 2017 | BMC Nephrology. 18(1):326. doi: 10.1186/s12882-017-0736-x | Romi MM, Arfian N, Tranggono U, Setyaningsih WAW, Sari DCR |
Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Study of α-SMA, Collagen, and PCNA in Epithelial Ovarian Neoplasm | 2017 | Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2017 Mar 1;18(3):667-671 | Anggorowati N, Ratna Kurniasari Ch, Damayanti K, Cahyanti T, Widodo I, Ghozali A, Romi MM, Sari DC, Arfian N |
Sagittaria latifolia (Willd.)–Syzygium aromaticum (Linn.)’s combination attenuates neointimal thickening, leukocytes adhesion and vascular smooth muscle migration in carotid artery ligation model in Sprague dawley rat | 2016 | AIP Conference Proceedings 1744, 020009; doi: 10.1063/1.4953483 2016 | Arfian N |
Vitamin D Attenuates Kidney Fibrosis via Reducing Fibroblast Expansion, Inflammation, and Epithelial Cell Apoptosis | 2016 | Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences. 62(2): E38-44 | Arfian N,
Muflikhah K, Soeyono SK, Sari DC, Tranggono U, Anggorowati N, Romi MM |
Pengaruh Stres Kronik terhadap Otak: Kajian Biomolekuler Hormon Glukokortikoid dan Regulasi Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Pascastres di Cerebellum | 2016 | JIK (Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran) | Juananda D, Sari CR, Prakosa D, Arfian N, Romi M |
Perbedaan ekspresi KI-67 dan PCNA pada Kistadenoma dan Kistadenokarsinoma ovarium tipe serosum dan musinosum. | 2016 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Damayanti L, Anggorowati N, Arfian N |
Strain gauge sensors implemented in a new female torso model increases student motivation and confident in gynecologic bimanual examination on clinical skill training | 2015 | Applied Mechanics and Material | Arfian N |
Heparanase expression in renal interstitial may contribute to epithelial and endothelial cells injuries after kidney ischemic/reperfusion episode in mice | 2015 | KnE Life Science ISSN 2413-0877 Volume 2 (2015) 70-77. DOI: 10.18502/kls.v2i1.119 | Arfian N |
Efek Pemberuan Vitamin D Terhadap Ekspansi Myofibroblast dan Fibroblast pada Model Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction pada Mencit | 2015 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Sari DCR, Arfian N |
Korelasi antara ekspresiEndothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (ENOS) dan remodeling pembuluh darah pada model Fibrosis ginjal di Mencit (MUS MUSCULUS) dengan Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction. | 2015 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | ALi R, Arfian N,Budiharjo S |
Korelasi Ekspansi Sel Interstitial Ginjal Dengan Konsentrasi Hemoglobin Dan Ekspresi Eritropoietin Pada Ginjal Sebagai Efek Akut Dan Kronis Cedera Iskemia/Reperfusi Tunggal Dan Berulang Pada Mencit | 2015 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Prasetyo D, Arfian N,Sari DCR |
Pengaruh Induksi asam laktat dan pemberian Allopurinol pada mencit terhadap Fibrosis Hepar dan Jumlah Sel Stellata Hepar. | 2015 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Soetoko AS, Nur Arfian, M Mansyur Romi |
Ketidakseimbangan antara Ekspresi Endothelin-1 dan eNOS Berhubungan dengan Cedera Tubulus pada Mencit dengan 5/6 Nefrektomi Subtotal | 2015 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Nur Arfian, Muhammad Mansyur Romi, PA K SU |
Ethanol Extracts of Centella asiatica Leaf Improves Memory Performance in Rats after Chronic Stress via Reducing Nitric Oxide and Increasing Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Concentration GTSF | 2014 | Journal of Psychology | Nur Arfian |
Assosiation between endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (ENOS) Expression and Vascular Remodeling in Acute Kidney Injury model after Ischemic/Reperfusion episode in Mice. | 2014 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Dinni AR, Arfian N |
Endothelial cell/INS;-derived endothelin-1 exaggerates kidney fibrosis through ETAR activation in renal interstitial cells | 2013 | Life Sciences | Arfian N, Yagi K, Nakayama K, Zellweger NV, Heiden S, Hung TV, Muliawan HS, Satwiko G, Emoto N |
Increased of heparanase expression in hypoxic/INS; endothelial cells and kidney ischemic-reperfusion injury associates with endothelin-1 elevation and eNOS reduction | 2013 | Life Sciences | Arfian N, Yagi K, Nakayama K, Sari DCR, Romi MM, Tranggono U, Muliawan HS, Emoto N |
Activation of Wnt5a-Ror2 signaling associated with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of tubular epithelial cells during renal fibrosis | 2013 | Gene to Cell | Arfian N |
ET-1 deletion from endothelial cells protects the kidney during the extension phase of ischemic reperfusion injury | 2012 | Biochemical Biophysic Research Communication, Elsevier | Arfian N |
Endothelial Cell-Derived Endothelin-1 Knock-out preserves cortex architecture after Ischemic-Reperfusion episode in MIce. | 2012 | Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation | Arfian N, Yagi K, Nakayama K, Ali H, Mayasari DS, Purnomo E, Emoto N |
Deletion of Endothelin-1 from endothelial cell in-vivo and etar Blocking in-Vitro Attenuate Kidney Fibrosis and Myofibroblast Formation. | 2012 | Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation | Arfian N, Emoto N,Yagi K, Nakayama K, Hartopo AB, Nugrahaningsih DA, Yanagisawa M, Hirata KI |
Preservation of renal microvasculature in vascular endothelial endothelin-1 knock out (VEETKO) mice after kidney fibrosis | 2011 | JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS | Arfian N, Emoto N, Yagi K, Nakayama, Anggraeni VY, Ali H, Mayasari DS, Purnomo, Nugrahaningsih DA, Hartopo AB |
Role of endothelial cell-derived endothelin-1 in the interplay between fibrosis and lymphangiogenesis | 2011 | JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS | Hartopo AB, Emoto N, Yagi K, Nakayama K, Arfian N,Nugrahaningsih AB, Anggraeni VY, Ali H, Mayasari DS, Purnomo E, Hirata K |
Endothelin-1 Knockdown From Endothelial Cells Reduce Kidney Fibrosis, Peritubular Capillary Loss and Tubular Damage in Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Model in Mice | 2011 | Circulation | Arfian N, Emoto N, Yagi K, Nakayama K, Mayasari DS, Ali H, Purnomo E, Nugrahaningsih DA, Hartopo AB, Yanagisawa M, Hirata KI |
Attenuation of Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy in Endothelin Converting Enzyme-1 Heterozygous Knockout Mice Through Preventing the Impairment of Cardiac Mitochondrial Biogenesis | 2009 | Circulation | Miyagawa K, Emoto N, Arfian N, Mayasari DS, Anggraeni VY, Ali H, Widyantro, Nakayama K, Hirata KI |