dr. Nur Arfian, Ph.D




  • S1 : Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada (2000)
  • S3 : Kobe University


Anatomi, Renal, Cardiovascular


  1. Role of LRRC15 in the carotid artery ligation; exploration of LRRC15 protein.
  2. Endothelial Cell Changing in Atherosclerosis; Possible Role of ET-1 from Endothelial Cell
  3. ET-1 from Endothelial Cell Exaggerates Kidney Fibrosis through ETAR Activation
  4. ET-1 deletion from endothelial cells protects the kidney during the extension phase of ischemic reperfusion injury
  5. Heparanase expression as a marker in Acute Kidney Injury induced by ischemic/reperfusion (I/R) injury in Mice
  6. Pembuatan manekin pemeriksaan prostat yang dilengkapi dengan sensor tekanan pada keadaan normal dan ab-normal
  7. Ekspresi Heparanase berkorelasi dengan remodeling interstisial dan cedera tubulus pada model fibrosis ginjal di mencit
  8. Peranan Asam Urat terhadap Fibrosis, Disfungsi Endothelial dan Remodeling Vaskuler di Ginjal, Otak dan Jantung pada Hewan Coba serta Progresi Gagal Ginjal pada Pasien; Eksplorasi Kontribusi Endothelin-1, Ekspansi Sel Interstisial dan Status Oksidatif
  9. Peran Vitamin D dalam mencegah fibrosis ginjal pada mencit jantan dengan unilateral ureteral  Obstruction (UUO);
  10. Global Ischemic Brain Injury Menginduksi Gangguan Fungsi Memori pada Tikus Wistar (Kajian interaksi Heparanase, Enzim antioksidan, TLR2 dan vascular remodeling)
  11. Aspek Molekuler, Seluler dan fungsional resolusi fibrosis ginjal pada unilateral ureteral obstruction dan Hiperuricemia: Kajian Fibroblast to myofibroblast Transition, Endothelin dan Remodeling Matriks Ekstraseleluer.
  12. Peranan Clorogenic Acid dari Ekstrak Kopi Sebagai Protective Agent pada Keadaan Cedera Iskemik-Reperfusi dan Gagal Organ pada Ginjal, Otak dan Hati: Eksplorasi Mediator Inflamasi, Cedera Oksidatif & Nitrosatif dan Kelainan Vaskular
  13. Efek Renoprotektif Centella asiatica pada Model Cedera Iskemik/Reperfusi Ginjal, Gagal Ginjal Kronis dan Fibrosis Ginjal : Kajian Fibroblast to Myofibroblast Transition, ekspresi Mediator Inflamasi dan Matrix Metallo Proteinase
  14. Pengaruh media terkondisi sel punca mesenkim pada kasus gagal ginjal akut ( Uji pada hewan coba mencit galur Swiss)


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Publikasi Tahun Jurnal Penulis
Upregulation of endothelin-1/endothelin a receptor expression correlates with heparanase expression in ovarian carcinoma  2018 Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. 43(3):286-295 Anggorowati N, Ghozali A, Widodo I,  Romi MM, Arfian N
Endothelial-derived endothelin-1 promotes pulmonary vascular remodeling in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis  2018 Physiological Research. 67(Supplementum 1):S185-S197 Hartopo AB, Arfian N, Nakayama K, Suzuki Y, Yagi K, Emoto N
Vitamin D upregulates endothelin-1, ETBR, eNOS mRNA expression and attenuates vascular remodelling and ischemia in kidney fibrosis model in mice  2018 Physiological Research. 67(Supplementum 1):S137-S147 Arfian N, Kusuma MH, Anggorowati N, Nugroho DB, Jeffilano A, Suzuki Y, Ikeda K, Emoto N
Hyperuricemia Induces Wnt5a/Ror2 Gene Expression, Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, and Kidney Tubular Injury in Mice  2018 Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. 43(2):164-173 Setyaningsih WAW, Arfian N, Suryadi E, Romi MM, Tranggono U, Sari DCR
Antimigration Activity of an Ethylacetate Fraction of Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. Fruits in 4T1 Breast Cancer Cells  2018 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 19(2):565-569 Harahap U, Hasibuan PAZ, Sitorus P, Arfian N, Satria D
Molecular Subtypes, Apoptosis and Proliferation Status in Indonesian Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Cases  2018 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2018 Jan 27;19(1):185-191 Snak Y, Indrawati, Widayati K, Arfian N, Anggorowati N
Uric acid causes kidney injury through inducing fibroblast expansion, Endothelin-1 expression, and inflammation  2017 BMC Nephrology. 18(1):326. doi: 10.1186/s12882-017-0736-x Romi MM, Arfian N, Tranggono U, Setyaningsih WAW, Sari DCR
Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Study of α-SMA, Collagen, and PCNA in Epithelial Ovarian Neoplasm  2017 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2017 Mar 1;18(3):667-671 Anggorowati N, Ratna Kurniasari Ch, Damayanti K, Cahyanti T, Widodo I, Ghozali A, Romi MM, Sari DC, Arfian N
Sagittaria latifolia (Willd.)–Syzygium aromaticum (Linn.)’s combination attenuates neointimal thickening, leukocytes adhesion and vascular smooth muscle migration in carotid artery ligation model in Sprague dawley rat  2016 AIP Conference Proceedings 1744, 020009; doi: 10.1063/1.4953483 2016  Arfian N
Vitamin D Attenuates Kidney Fibrosis via Reducing Fibroblast Expansion, Inflammation, and Epithelial Cell Apoptosis  2016 Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences. 62(2): E38-44 Arfian N,

Muflikhah K, Soeyono SK, Sari DC, Tranggono U, Anggorowati N, Romi MM

Pengaruh Stres Kronik terhadap Otak: Kajian Biomolekuler Hormon Glukokortikoid dan Regulasi Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Pascastres di Cerebellum  2016  JIK (Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran) Juananda D, Sari CR, Prakosa D, Arfian N, Romi M
Perbedaan ekspresi KI-67 dan PCNA pada Kistadenoma dan Kistadenokarsinoma ovarium tipe serosum dan musinosum.  2016  Universitas Gadjah Mada Damayanti L,  Anggorowati N, Arfian N
Strain gauge sensors implemented in a new female torso model increases student motivation and confident in gynecologic bimanual examination on clinical skill training  2015 Applied Mechanics and Material Arfian N
Heparanase expression in renal interstitial may contribute to epithelial and endothelial cells injuries after kidney ischemic/reperfusion episode in mice  2015 KnE Life Science ISSN 2413-0877 Volume 2 (2015) 70-77. DOI: 10.18502/kls.v2i1.119 Arfian N
Efek Pemberuan Vitamin D Terhadap Ekspansi Myofibroblast dan Fibroblast pada Model Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction pada Mencit  2015  Universitas Gadjah Mada Sari DCR, Arfian N
Korelasi antara ekspresiEndothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (ENOS) dan remodeling pembuluh darah pada model Fibrosis ginjal di Mencit (MUS MUSCULUS) dengan Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction.  2015  Universitas Gadjah Mada ALi R, Arfian N,Budiharjo S
Korelasi Ekspansi Sel Interstitial Ginjal Dengan Konsentrasi Hemoglobin Dan Ekspresi Eritropoietin Pada Ginjal Sebagai Efek Akut Dan Kronis Cedera Iskemia/Reperfusi Tunggal Dan Berulang Pada Mencit  2015  Universitas Gadjah Mada Prasetyo D, Arfian N,Sari DCR
Pengaruh Induksi asam laktat dan pemberian Allopurinol pada mencit terhadap Fibrosis Hepar dan Jumlah Sel Stellata Hepar.  2015  Universitas Gadjah Mada Soetoko AS, Nur Arfian, M Mansyur Romi
Ketidakseimbangan antara Ekspresi Endothelin-1 dan eNOS Berhubungan dengan Cedera Tubulus pada Mencit dengan 5/6 Nefrektomi Subtotal  2015  Universitas Gadjah Mada Nur Arfian, Muhammad Mansyur Romi, PA K SU
Ethanol Extracts of Centella asiatica Leaf Improves Memory Performance in Rats after Chronic Stress via Reducing Nitric Oxide and Increasing Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Concentration GTSF  2014  Journal of Psychology  Nur Arfian
Assosiation between endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (ENOS) Expression and Vascular Remodeling in Acute Kidney Injury model after Ischemic/Reperfusion episode in Mice.  2014  Universitas Gadjah Mada Dinni AR, Arfian N
Endothelial cell/INS;-derived endothelin-1 exaggerates kidney fibrosis through ETAR activation in renal interstitial cells  2013  Life Sciences Arfian N, Yagi K, Nakayama K, Zellweger NV, Heiden S, Hung TV, Muliawan HS, Satwiko G, Emoto N
Increased of heparanase expression in hypoxic/INS; endothelial cells and kidney ischemic-reperfusion injury associates with endothelin-1 elevation and eNOS reduction  2013  Life Sciences Arfian N, Yagi K, Nakayama K, Sari DCR, Romi MM, Tranggono U, Muliawan HS, Emoto N
Activation of Wnt5a-Ror2 signaling associated with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of tubular epithelial cells during renal fibrosis  2013  Gene to Cell Arfian N
ET-1 deletion from endothelial cells protects the kidney during the extension phase of ischemic reperfusion injury  2012 Biochemical Biophysic Research Communication, Elsevier Arfian N
Endothelial Cell-Derived Endothelin-1 Knock-out preserves cortex architecture after Ischemic-Reperfusion episode in MIce.  2012 Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Arfian N, Yagi K, Nakayama K, Ali H, Mayasari DS, Purnomo E, Emoto N
Deletion of Endothelin-1 from endothelial cell in-vivo and etar Blocking in-Vitro Attenuate Kidney Fibrosis and Myofibroblast Formation.  2012 Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Arfian N, Emoto N,Yagi K, Nakayama K, Hartopo AB, Nugrahaningsih DA, Yanagisawa M, Hirata KI
Preservation of renal microvasculature in vascular endothelial endothelin-1 knock out (VEETKO) mice after kidney fibrosis  2011 JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS Arfian N, Emoto N, Yagi K, Nakayama, Anggraeni VY, Ali H, Mayasari DS, Purnomo, Nugrahaningsih DA, Hartopo AB
Role of endothelial cell-derived endothelin-1 in the interplay between fibrosis and lymphangiogenesis  2011 JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS Hartopo AB, Emoto N, Yagi K, Nakayama K, Arfian N,Nugrahaningsih AB, Anggraeni VY,  Ali H, Mayasari DS, Purnomo E, Hirata K
Endothelin-1 Knockdown From Endothelial Cells Reduce Kidney Fibrosis, Peritubular Capillary Loss and Tubular Damage in Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction Model in Mice  2011 Circulation Arfian N, Emoto N, Yagi K, Nakayama K, Mayasari DS, Ali H, Purnomo E, Nugrahaningsih DA, Hartopo AB, Yanagisawa M, Hirata KI
Attenuation of Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy in Endothelin Converting Enzyme-1 Heterozygous Knockout Mice Through Preventing the Impairment of Cardiac Mitochondrial Biogenesis  2009 Circulation Miyagawa K, Emoto N, Arfian N, Mayasari DS, Anggraeni VY, Ali H, Widyantro, Nakayama K, Hirata KI


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